Wednesday, October 10, 2012

West Virginia

Every Fall I am reminded of how much I loved, and still love West Virginia. I married Dustin and moved to West Virginia in September, which is basically the beginning of Fall up there. I had a bit of a rough transition that first month or so, with being so far away from my family, and I felt like I was out in the middle of nowhere. And I remember once the Fall colors had completely set in, I was driving over the mountains on my way home from work one day, and I felt like a giant patchwork quilt was just wrapping me up. I have loved West Virginia ever since. West Virginia was where Dustin and I were newlyweds, it's where we made our first home and where we had our beautiful Elijah. For me West Virginia really was and still is my "Almost Heaven." I hope someday when Dustin and I are old we can go back there. Maybe we can even buy a mountain there and retire. Until then, I have amazing pictures that I can look at and I have the John Denver song "Country Roads" and I have my Elijah and Dustin, to remind me of some of the greatest memories of my life.


Emily said...

What a beautiful picture. I agree, West Virginia is one of the prettiest places.
I hope you are able to live there again. I think that would be fabulous. Especially when we end up in DC, which would mean we would be close.

auntieerin said...

Liz, did you take this picture? It is one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. West Virginia is actually a pretty cool place and I'm glad you have so many fond memories of it. Can I come visit when you buy your mountain?

Karen said...

Wow, what a pretty picture. And your words create a beautiful picture as well. West Virginia was the perfect place for you and Dustin to begin your marriage and start your family.