Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy 6 Months Gideon!

Today is Gideon's 6 month birthday! Gideon is still a very happy and content little guy. He does still prefer his Mama to other people, but he will accept Elijah as a substitute when I can't hold him. Gideon loves his kids! If he can see them or if he thinks he is playing with them, then he is usually very happy. Gideon is a great sleeper and thankfully we have only had a few rough nights with him in his whole little 6 month life. I have been trying to get him to sit on his own, but he still is much too interested in his own feet to stay upright. LOL He tried solid food for the first time a few nights ago and he wasn't too impressed. The kids loved that he was eating "real" food! He was  much more interested in the giggles and squeals they were making about him eating than he was in actually eating. Gideon is working on some teeth, so he has turned into quite the chewer. EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. Gideon loves getting kisses and he opens his mouth now and gives his own slobbery sorta kisses in return. He loves getting hugs and squeezes. The last few days he has been getting up into the crawling position, but he hasn't crawled quite yet. He is still very content with rolling and he gets around pretty well that way.  

1 comment:

auntieerin said...

How has it been 6 months already? I love the crazy hair he has going on the top of his head! I am so glad that he is such a good and easy baby- he always has a smile on his face.