Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Time Snuggles

I love Fall time. It is my favorite season. I love the way the falling leaves make the air smell, the cool crisp air and the fun fuzzy caterpillars you find everywhere. The only thing I don't love about Fall, is how cold it can get at night.
I have always been a cold person (I am describing my body temperature, not my personality, that is stunning! Lol.) When I was younger I always tried to get Erin to let me sleep with her when it was really cold outside. Unfortunately, Erin was not a fan of being smothered and laid on all night. So I spent many cold nights snuggling under my awesome Tiawana blanket because no one wanted to "snuggle with a Tuggle."
But then I married Dustin! Dustin is the hottest person I have ever had the pleasure of snuggling with. And the best part is that he had to start sharing his bed with me! Yay! Sleeping with Dustin is like having my own heater in my bed. If I feel cold I just wrap my arms and legs around him and I am perfectly cozy! And despite his own discomfort at times, (I make him really hot, he sleeps with the fan on and just a sheet even in the winter,) he lets me cuddle without complaining. I look forward to going to bed with Dustin everynight. It is my favorite part of the day!


Emily said...

Perfect. I love it when we find perfect things about the person we are married to.
Any yes, your personality is stunning.

auntieerin said...

This brings back good memories. I am glad that you did finally find someone who wants to snuggle with you. It's one of the many things I love about Dustin. He probably thinks you are a bed hog too. I was always amazed that someone so small could take up so much space. I love you Liz! Thanks for the memory.