Monday, October 22, 2012

Gideon's 6 Month Stats

Gideon now weighs 16lb. 9oz. which means that he only gained one pound in the last few months. But he has grown quite a bit in length/height, and is now 27in long.

Elijah wanted me to take a picture of all three kids together so that everyone can see that even though Gideon is getting bigger, Elijah is still the biggest. LOL


Andrew said...

Dusty still has that same complex and thinking that just because he can make me pass out on the kitchen floor that he's still bigger than me...

auntieerin said...

What a great picture! And yes, it is obvious that Elijah is still the biggest! He is too funny!

Liz said...

Andrew-That was really scary when Dustin made you pass out. I think about it sometimes when Dustin is wrestling with and squeezing the kids. LOL Dustin does accept that you are taller than him, but he still forcefully defends his dominance over you though LOL. He tells Elijah all the time that he needs to grow up to be tall like his Uncle Andrew. Which is funny because at this point with as small as Elijah is, I think we both hope he just ends up being taller than me! LOL

Karen said...

Such cuties. And yes, Elijah is still the biggest. Sounds like Gideon is slowing down in growth just like the other two did.