Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Peppers, Pickles and Olives

Elijah is a very funny kid. He hardly eats anything, and when he does decide to eat he wants things with very grown-up flavors. He loves pickles and olives, both the green and the black. Anytime the fridge door opens he runs and points at and yells for a pickle or olive. He would eat a whole jar of either one at a sitting if I let him. LOL He also has decided that he likes green and red peppers raw. Unfortunately they do not like him and they give him horrible painful gas. Now you are probably asking yourself why if this was the case would I let him eat the few pieces he is eating in the picture. Honestly he has to be involved in everything I do in the kitchen so not letting him watch me cut the peppers was not an option. I tried to trick him though by cutting up an apple first and giving him a wedge of that, but he was not fooled. He would grab every slice of pepper that I cut and take one small bite from it and then move on to the next slice. The whole time making "mmmmmmmm" sounds and little happy noises to make sure that Dustin and I both knew how pleased he was with himself. I didn't realize how quickly the small bites he had taken added up until later that night when I was up all night dealing with a screaming unhappy kid. Thank goodness for infant gas relief medicine! lOL

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Hallowen

Little Amusements

Okay, that crazy thing around Elijah's neck is a cone-shaped dog collar. When we were visiting my parents their labrador Gus had a boo-boo on his tail that he would not leave alone. So the vet gave my parents this collar for him to wear. Well, Gus wanted absolutely nothing to do with the collar, but Elijah loved it. He wore it for several hours before it was time to go to bed. What a goober!