Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Camps

Our ward is doing a 3 day summer camp this week. Each day the camp is 2 hours long. I have to admit that I have been looking forward to this camp. Today was the first day of camp, and Elijah and I were pretty excited when I dropped him off. Well, my excitement changed to sadness and anxiety as soon as I reached the car. I missed my Elijah during those hours! I couldn't wait to pick him up. Elijah had a great time, he didn't miss me at all. He did say that he missed Gideon though. LOL I think 4K is going to be harder for me than I originally thought! I guess this summer camp is good practice for me and also a good reminder for me about how much I love my little guy.


Lily said...

First one is always the hardest. I walked Dustin to class for a week and cried every time....the Principal finally had to tell me he was fine and to just drop him at the front door...:(

Emily said...

How fun! That sounds like a great ward.
Jack is starting kindergarten next week, and I am excited, but nervous about all the things I haven't taught him.

Karen said...

Of course he would say he missed Gideon. He would never admit to missing Mommy. I'm so glad he had a good time.