Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Happy Day Emme" with the Tuggles

The kids and I were able to go down to Illinois and celebrate Emme's birthday with the Tuggles. Emme is so funny she has been calling her birthday her "happy Emme day!" My Aunt Monique and her kids were in town to visit as well. She has two girls that doted on Emme and Elijah! It was really great to see all of the Loes! We had a great visit. Emme cried all the way home because she wanted to go back to her Bop-Bop's house.

Emme loved her happy day cake

Elijah was a wonderful big brother and he set the table for everyone

Emme loved the purple flowers on her cake

The purple icing ended up all over Emme


Emily said...

What an awesome birthday! Family, cake, and purple frosting. I don't think it gets better than that.

Karen Tuggle said...

What a blast we had with all of you. The most fun though was celebrating Emme's Happy Day. Elijah did such a good job of setting the table.

Dave said...

I was able to take four days off work. Best vacation I have had in years. Being a Grandpa is the best job ever!

auntieerin said...

I am so glad you were able to come out and spend some time with us. Emme's birthday was fun- and I still can't believe how well behaved Elijah was. He even let her play with the toys she got before he started to! There wasn't any of that when Liz and I were growing up. She knew to unwrap it and hand it over. I just wanted to make sure it was safe for her to play with! I was such a good sister, wasn't I, Liz? ;)