Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Embry and Elijah

Embry is now 20 days old! Crazy! She weighs 8lbs. 15oz already and she is doing really great. I thought that Elijah was the most easy going baby ever, but I think that Embry might be even more so than he was. She sleeps most of the time still, but the small amounts of time she is awake she is full of smiles and she is very content. She only wakes up twice a night to eat, which is awesome. She loves her baths, even with Elijah "helping" to wash her. Elijah loves having Emme share his baths with him! She is very good and patient with Elijah, and very rarely gets upset at his "loves." Elijah is a great big brother. He has adjusted very well to having Emme around. He is a great helper and is always willing to get whatever Emme needs to make her happy. He has been sleeping in his big boy bed for a few weeks now, and he stays in there all night and does not usually fight going to bed. The potty training had slowed down the last few weeks since Emme has joined us, but we are getting back into the groove of it, and Elijah is doing well with it.


Emily said...

What cute kids. You guys make beautiful babies.

Megan C. said...

So cute! I can't decide who she looks more like - maybe a perfect combo!

Unknown said...

i'm excited to see them both!