Monday, February 4, 2013

Princess Embry Elizabeth



Dave said...

I was playing hide and seek with Eli and Emme when I started to get tired and needed to sit down for a while. When I told the kids I needed to stop for a while and sit, Emme ran into her room and cleared off all of her dolls from the big rocker in her room patted the seat and told me I could rest there. It was so sweet, I almost started to cry. Both Emme and Eli have the sweaetest loving hearts.

Liz said...

I love this picture. I think this is how I am forever going to see Emme.

Karen said...

Absolutely adorable!!

auntieerin said...

One of the highlights of my day is talking to Emme. She is the perfect combination of feisty and sweet. I envy her confidence.