Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great Mornings!

Elijah made his way into our bed around 6:00 this morning. He promptly cuddled up to his warm Daddy and fell back asleep. Dustin and I were both startled when we heard the squeak of our door opening again at 6:30! It was Emme, who proudly pranced in our room with her dog-dog, a book and her blankie! She has apparenly figured out that she can get out of her bed by herself. I guess Emme is not afraid of the dark at all. She must have gotten out of her bed, opened her almost closed door, run through the hall and then opened our pretty much closed door (it just wasn't latched) and then come through our dark room to the bed. LOL Pretty good for a not quite 18 month old! After about a half hour of giggling, tickling and goofing around, mom and the kids got up and headed downstairs. The bed just is not big enough for daddy, a seven month pregnant mom, a big body pillow, an 18 month old and an almost 4 year old, who despite being tiny takes up more room than the other 3 of us combined! LOL And I am about to add another one to the mix! I guess it is a good thing that despite the complaints, we all really do love the chaos!


Emily said...

That is so cute! Some of my favorite times are having all of us kids in my parents bed in the morning.
My parents ended up buying a king size bed, they definitely needed the extra room.

Karen said...

That brings back so many good memories. It is chaotic now, but all of you will remember it has very happy times.