Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Embry is going to be 7 weeks old tomorrow and she is already on an awesome schedule! She goes to bed every night at around 8 or 8:30, and then she is already only waking up once a night to eat. I hate to brag but I have to say, I think my child is advanced! LOL I love that I have two great sleeping kids. I think they both figured out right away that their mama needs her sleep or else she is grouchy! Embry is also the best eater. Elijah was a pretty good eater, but he was very easily distracted, and he liked to play around while he ate. Embry on the other hand is all business, which I love because she can go alot longer between each feeding than Elijah ever did. Embry can also already hold her head up all by herself when she is sitting up. And she can also hold it mostly by herself when I am up and moving around with her. We think that she is a pretty smart girl!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Of course she is advanced. I think it is great that you can brag about so many things!