Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Gideon now has two teeth, and he is excited to use them. He chews on everything! I am glad that he has gotten some teeth because they have helped him accept solid foods. But they have led to he and I having to have some serious talks about how it is not appropriate to bite or chew when he is not eating solid foods! Ouch for the Mama! He is pretty stingy with his teeth, but you can mostly see them in the pictures below...

Emme wanted to show off her pretty teeth for the camera!


Brian said...

Happy little boy, and happy big sister!

jasonandjodie said...

Dexter just got his first two teeth too! It's crazy how similar they look in some pictures! Love seeing your happy little ones.

Emily said...

I love little baby teeth. What a cute boy!

auntieerin said...

Look at those teeth! His smile just keeps getting cuter! Emme also has a very nice emile!