Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bath Seat

Gideon has been able to sit by himself for a few weeks now, so today I decided to graduate him from the bath seat. He loved being able to move around a little more and get the toys that he wanted. Emme thought Gideon sitting in the tub was pretty hilarious since "he my little baby mom, he not that big yet." Gideon is getting to be a big boy, and I feel like pretty soon he won't actually be a baby anymore. But thankfully, I have strong suspicion that my Gideon is always going to be a Mama's boy.


auntieerin said...

What a cutie! He is getting to be a big boy, but he is always going to be your little baby. He is going to have a serious case of Mama's Boy syndrome, poor kid. Haha. J/k.

Emily said...

He is so cute! I love his blond hair.