Friday, April 20, 2012

Gideon Aaron Coffman

Gideon Aaron Coffman joined us on April 16th at 2:04pm. He weighed 8lbs 4oz and he was 21in. long. He is an amazingly content baby. He really only cries/fusses when he is hungry or when he gets his diaper changed. Gideon is a great eater, which has been great for him and for mom.

Emme LOVES her "baby." Anytime someone is sitting and holding Gideon, she comes over with her arms out, and insists on holding him.

Elijah is a great big brother. He is great at talking to Gideon and he loves singing to him.

Gidedon had his first doctors appoinment on Thursday. He has lost some weight since his birth and he is now 7lbs 10oz. He has to go in on Monday for another weight check. After his appoinment Gideon was exhausted and fell fast asleep on grandpa's warm chest.

Gideon has been spending more time awake the last day or so. The kids love when he is awake! And they think it is hilarious when he tries to focus on them, and his eyes go crossed.

1 comment:

Emily said...

So precious. I am so glad everyone is adjusting well to Gideon. That is a wonderful blessing.