Friday, October 28, 2011

Emme the Monkey!

Emme has become quite the climber over the last few weeks. She climbs on everything. She climbs on her brother's stool, and even pushes/carries it to what she wants and then climbs on it. She climbs on the couch, Elijah's bed, chairs and even the foot stool to the living room chair. I have found her dancing on the kitchen table and everything! When she gets up onto what she is climbing she raises her arms in the air and yells "ta-da." She is so proud of herself. I am worried about when she finally falls off of something and the reality of gravity sets in. I guess then we will see how daring she really is.


Karen said...

What a beautiful little girl. Could you get some video of that dancing on the table stuff?

auntieerin said...

Seriously Liz, one of these days you are going to find this girl climbing door frames. You have got to get a video of her dancing on the table. Geez she is hilarious!