Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Emme at 10 Months

My little Emme girl turned 10 months old this last Sunday. She has been and is an amazing addition to our family. She is so happy all the time, and she giggles more than any baby I have ever known. She is very determined and she gets very upset at herself if she can't do exactly what she wants when she wants to do it. She and Elijah are hilarious to watch together. Unfortunately for Elijah, Emme has figured out that he does not out weigh her by much (only a 5lb difference between the two)and so she takes advantage of that by using her body to push him around so she can get his toys. They love to wrestle with each other and with mom and dad. Emme also likes to bite Elijah to get her way. We are working on that, but she apparently loves to bite, more than she minds being scoulded! LOL She loves food and loves to eat, which is an awesome difference from her brother. Emme can walk while holding onto just one finger, and she is getting much more daring about letting go of things as she makes her way around the house. She will be walking on her own very soon.

1 comment:

auntieerin said...

Emme is such a pretty girl! She's getting so big! Two more months and she's going to be a year old! Crazy!