Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Spring! Maybe...

Well, today was the first day that is was actually warm enough outside that we could wear jackets instead of coats, and that under those jackets we could all wear short sleeves! Yay! Emme had her 9 month doctor appointment today, and we were able to find out how big she has gotten. Embry now weighs 15lbs 4oz, which means that she is only in the 3rd percentile for weight. She must take after her brother, he is only in the 3rd percentile for his weight as well. She is also 26 1/2in long and in the 15th percentile. The doctor is a little concerned about her size, and so he took blood to run a panel of blood work. When Elijah was this age (and this size) his doctor ran the same panel. She was very brave and did not cry a single time when they drew the blood. Elijah on the other hand couldn't watch and said that he had to "look at the puter on the desk while they hurt Emme."


Keena said...

Your children are absolutely adorable!! I'm also very impressed with their parents!!

Love you guys!
Love, Aunt Keena

Karen said...

Cute faces, Silly faces.

Andrew said...

I didn't even know the difference between a jacket and coat till i came up here to utah. but that's exciting it's warmin up there. it's still freezing and snowing here - but i refuse to wear winter clothes. only shorts and tshirts.