Friday, April 22, 2011

9 Months

Embry is 9 months old today! Emme is very feisty, and once she sets her mind on something there is no changing it. She loves to get into trouble and to do things she is not supposed to, all with a huge grin on her face. She especially loves to sneak up the stairs and hide up in her room. She also loves to be in the kitchen to "help" me cook and load the dishwasher. She LOVES Elijah and wants to be involved in everything he does. She says both mama and dada, and I am excited for her to start saying Elijah. She walks while holding onto things, and she tries to let go of things to stand by herself. Emme has a great deep little giggle and a smile that lights up her whole face. We love that she shares both with us very often.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You're a beautiful little girl Emme!!