Thursday, April 18, 2013

Emme's Quilt

Thank you Great Grandma Dexter for the beautiful quilt that you made for Emme! 

 Emme absolutely loves the bright colors!
 The 3-D flowers and leaves are awesome!
All of the colors are perfect and the baskets are so fun!


Karen said...

Oh Emme, what a beatiful quilt Great Grandma made for you. It's very nice that she used some squares that her mother made in the quilt as well. I love the baskets and the flowers are great. The quilt will be something you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

auntieerin said...

That quilt is absolutely gorgeous! It matches Emme's room perfectly, but I think it also suits her personality as well. The bright, vibrant colors with the dainty, little flowers on the baskets- that is so Emme. She can be all rough and tumble with her brothers, but she also loves to be very girly. Honestly, the quilt is perfect. Grandma did an amazing job.