Monday, September 24, 2012

Ladies' Man

Elijah has always been a bit of a ladies' man. All the little girls his age want to sit by him in Primary. When we pick him up at the end of class they all wave and give sideways smiles and say "bye Elijah." One little girl even always tells him how much she is going to miss him until next Sunday! The little girls on the bus are the same way! Well, this morning he showed that he can work his charms on older girls as well.
An SUV full of college girls parked in front of our house while we were walking to the bus stop. As we walked by them I said good morning. They all excitedly said good morning back. So, Elijah says "good morning ladies." Well, that was it they were all oos and ahhs then. "oh how cute. Little man going to school! I hope you have the best day! So adorable!" They talked to Elijah and about Elijah until they disappeared into their apartment. Once they were gone, Elijah just turned and started walking again with a huge grin on his face! Too funny!I definately feel concerned about his teenage years!


Andrew said...

He takes after his uncle!!

Pimp daddy!!

Karen said...

How in the world did he know to say "Good morning ladies"? Please ask him Dustin and Liz and let me know. He is something else. He is going to be quite the ladies man I guess. Grandpa says he has the "Tuggle curse". Good grief.

Emily said...

That is so cute! I absolutely love how adorable he is.
The "good morning ladies" is my favorite!

auntieerin said...

Forget about his teenage years, Liz- you should be concerned now! He is too cute and too charming for his own good!