Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pennies Saved Are Toys Earned

We have always had our kids save their "moneys" up so that they can buy themselves special treats or toys.
They had been saving since around Christmas, and they had both saved up quite a bit. Elijah had saved almost $16 and Emme almost $10! Quite impressive considering most of their change was pennies that they either found or earned by being good. It was so fun to take them to the store and let them pick out their own toy with their own money.

Elijah picked out an Octonauts toy and Emme picked out a Snow White baby doll. Being the nice big brother and sister they are, they even used their extra "moneys" to buy "baby Dideon" a light up baton!


Emily said...

I love that they used their extra money for Gideon! That is so cute!

Karen said...

I love that they save their "moneys" and then get to choose what they would like. It looks like they made good choices, and then made sure that Gideon got something too. What good kids!!!

auntieerin said...

I'm glad everyone got something they wanted. And it was very nice of Eli and Emme to make sure that Gideon got something too. They are gonna have to teach him to start scrounging around for moneys of his own!