Friday, July 19, 2013

Gideon at 15 Months

Gideon is 15 months old! Time has really flown, it seems like just yesterday he turned 1! Gideon is now 30.5in tall and he weighs 21lbs! He had to get three shots at the doctor this visit, but he was very brave and only cried for a second until mommy was allowed to hold him. He did get angry at the band-aids though, and those were ripped off and thrown on the floor of the car as soon as I wasn't looking! 


Karen said...

He's getting so big. Does he have a little of Emme in him-getting mad at inanimate objects? LOL

Dave said...

Gideon and I finally bonded this visit when we shared Blueberry Muffins and Milk. After that I was ok to be around! What a sweet litle man.