Monday, June 18, 2012


Elijah and I have been having a rough few weeks. He is going through a phase where he is really pulling away from me and trying to distance himself. It is really hard for me since he has been a huge mama's boy from the very beginning. The other night I went to kiss him good night and he pulled away from me and said that he didn't want hugs and kisses from me anymore. It was really sad! He has been really mouthy and has quite the attitude with me lately. So, obviously it has been causing some contention between the two of us. The only glimmer of good that has come from his behavior is that he is really starting to gravitate towards Dustin. He very much wants to be where Dustin is, and to be doing "boy" things with Dustin. I feel bad because I know that I haven't been able to give him all of the attention that I used to be able to now that I have the other two kids. So I am glad that he can get that attention from Dustin. And I know that this whole phase will make it easier for he and I when he goes to school in August. Thankfully he does still have his great moments (even if they are few and far between). The other day he told me that he wanted a dog. He said that he would pick a dog just like my old dog, and that he would name him Oliver just like I had. I told him that I would love to have a dog like Oliver. Then he said that he would pick one like Oliver because he wants me to have my friend back, because he knows I miss him, and that he knows he was a good dog to me and I should have that again. It was really, really sweet. Elijah has always been a very sensitive little guy. And I am very grateful for that. I think that is a great quality to have. I know that once this phase of being mean is over, Elijah will be a better and stronger person. And that I will be too. So until this phase is over...we will keep living everyday and trying to make the most of the good moments. I love Elijah very much! And I think just like every realtionship there are good times and bad times. This too shall pass.


Dave said...

We had a wonderful time visting last weekend. the two of you have such wonderful children. Between playing Imaginext Dinasours, watching WallE with the kids on my lap, watching Emme eat at Golden Coral, to Dustin try to keep the kids clean while they ate CocoPuffs in their church clothes, and swaering they were out to get him in trouble if they got dirty. These are the things that make being a grand parent the best job in the world!

Karen said...

I know it's hard to go through, but it is a very natural phase, and is hardest on Momma. He is such a wonderful little boy. I can't even begin to list his good qualities, there are so many. His allergies have been terrible this year, so that is another thing that makes it difficult. You two will get through this. Your relatiionship will get back to an even keel.

Karen said...

Sorry to take up more space. What Elijah said about our Oliver is a good example of how sweet he is. He is truly an amazing kid with such a sense of empathy. He loves you Liz, remember that when he does things to push you away.