Saturday, January 24, 2009

Party Time!

Elijah before eating a huge WV Black Bear cupcake The huge mess after eating the yummy cupcake

Elijah was not quite sure what to do with his birthday cupcake. He really just mashed it up and rubbed the chocolate on himself. I tried to show him that he could eat it and that it was good, but he did not like that. He decided that I needed to eat the cupcake and shoved both his hands into my mouth and then rubbed chocolate all over my face.


Megan C. said...

Wow - he's only one and he already knows how to share!

Happy Birthday, Eli! I can't believe it's already been a year

Karen said...

Happy Happy Birthday Eli!!! We'll celebrate again when you get to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I hope he got the hang of the cake and ate some after sharing with Mom.

Unknown said...

Liz, your cupcakes turned out so cute! Good job! I'm glad Eli at least wanted to share with you!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Eli! I love his blonde hair. He looks so grown up. I hope all is going well. Miss you.