Only 4 weeks left until Gideon arrives! I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore! LOL Not that this pregnancy has been bad at all, I am just tired and tired of being pregnant. A few weeks ago Gideon decided to drop head down, so the last little while has been pretty uncomfortable for me. It is an odd feeling to feel like the baby's head is between my legs! LOL I have already bought him several hats, because I don't think there is any way that he will not have a cone head for a while! LOL
Almost over!
You are going to make another precious baby.
Liz, you look sooooo good. He has really dropped, even more than the last picture. You look so good though. I know you are very uncomfortable. I really think it's Heavenly Father's plan to make us REALLY want the baby to be born so he can be cuddled and loved.
You are so cute Liz. You're one of those pregnant ladies that everyone else hates because you make it look easy. Hang in there, it's almost over!
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