Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Elijah's Deep Thoughts

Elijah is hilarious! I love listening to him tell me about things. He seems to be at an age now where he is trying to figure out how things work, nd why things happen the way they do. The last few weeks Dustin has been working longer than usual hours at work, and Elijah has definately noticed. He asks me all day when Daddy is going to come home that day. Yesterday Elijah, Emme and I were getting shoes and coats on so we could go to the store, and Elijah and I had this conversation. "Mama, it was nice of Daddy to buy me these new shoes." "Yep, your Dad is a pretty nice guy." "Yeah. He works alot so he can buy me nice things." "He does." "Like he buys me new fancy shoes, and icees and cookies, and nice clothes." "Uh-huh." "Yeah he has to work alot, and he is gone alot. But it is okay cause I am happy when he comes home, because he plays with me. I love Daddy." "I love Daddy too." "And Emme loves Daddy too!" "Yep." That afternoon we were watching Bizarre Foods while eating lunch, and Elijah had a realization about food. The host Andrew was eating turtle, and Elijah turns to me and asks: "We don't eat animals do we?" "Well yeah Big Man, we do eat animals. They taste good and they are good for us." "NO! We not eat animals! That not nice!" "Elijah, we do eat animals. That is why Heavenly Father made animals, for us to eat. We eat cows, pigs and chickens." "NO! NO! NO! I NOT EAT ANIMALS, I LOVE ANIMALS! I love COWS" Yeah, I didn't know what to say, especially since he was eating chicken nuggets at the time. So, I just told him that it was good love animals. And thankfully that was the end of the conversation.


dancer said...

You should have Dustin talk to Eli about eating animals, I remember when I was about 8 or 9 we were having veal for dinner; I asked what veal was; and my big brother lovingly said, "It's a baby cow MOOOO, MOO" I didn't eat my veal, I couldn't do it. : )

Dusty said...

Yeah, I don't think anyone at the table was able to eat the veal after that--including myself! lol I still remember that too! Sorry....

Karen said...

Oh Wow! He's way too young to correlate animals with what he's eating. He's way too smart!!

auntieerin said...

He is too funny! When you were visiting a few weeks ago and Eli and I went grocery shopping together(which was an awesome adventure by the way), he was going on and on about how much he loves corn dogs. He said that it is okay to eat them because they are not made from dogs. Mavy and Gus are dogs and he loves them too, but corn dogs are different than them because they don't bark and run around and stuff, which is good because he didn't think having dogs running around in his tummy would feel too good. I love watching him figure things out like that. He is so darn funny but wow is he smart!