Friday, March 11, 2011


Emme has been trying to crawl for a few weeks now, but last night she succeeded! I was in the kitchen making dinner, and Emme crawled from the couch in the living room to the kitchen counter. Then this morning she crawled that same distance twice while I was making breakfast. Woohoo! Elijah is so excited that she is crawling. (I don't think he fully understands that now none of his toys are safe!) LOL Fun, fun stuff! I will try to get some video of her crawling this weekend. Also another milestone for Emme. For a few weeks now, she has been saying "Nana Mama." But the last two weeks she has been saying just "mama." I love it! What a big girl.


Karen said...

None of your lives will ever be the same again. And I mean that in the best possible way. How exciting!!

auntieerin said...

Of course Mama is her first word! She absolutely loves and adores you, Liz. I'm glad she finally gave in and decided that crawling comes before walking, but I'm sure walking isn't too far behind. Get the baby gates ready, Emme is on the loose!