Monday, September 28, 2009

Glad When Daddy Comes Home

Everyday Elijah listens for Dustin's car to come down the street, and then he runs to the window to wait for his Daddy. It is amazing because we will be in the kitchen making dinner and Eli will just stop what he is doing and will go running to the door. He hears Dustin's car before you can even see it coming down the street! Pretty incredible for a little guy. Then when Dustin comes in the door Eli has to take his glasses and badges and wear them around the living room for a while to act like Daddy. Elijah also takes Dustin's boots and put them very nicely and neatly in front of the door.


Karen said...

That is so sweet. I remember a couple of little girls that used to want to act like their Daddy too

Emily said...

That is so cute. Kids love their dads. Jack asks all day "daddy go"? When he hears him come in the door, it is fun to see him run as fast as he can to see him.