Monday, October 14, 2013

"That Allen!"

I had to post this for all of the Dexters and Tuggles who know Allen Dexter...
Allen is my cousin, and he recently moved to Illinois. A few weeks ago he came with my parents to visit us. The kids thought that he was hilarious! They all really hit it off. Ever since they left, Emme has been talking about Allen. Anytime something happens, and she doesn't know who did it, or why it was done, she blames "that Allen." Emme has blamed Allen for the following:
*Opening the infant Tylenol...because he had a headache
*Ripping a page in a book, and then taping it up!..because he likes to read
*Throwing a pair of tennis shoes over the electric wires on our street...because he is goofy
It is hilarious to hear Emme talk about "my cousin, that Allen." I look forward to finding out what other sneaky stuff Allen has been up to...


Lily said...

LOL, I don't know that Allen but 'that Emme' is hilarious

Miss ya

auntieerin said...

Emme is a very smart little girl. Allen is a rather devious character! Always causing trouble, that Allen!

Karen said...

Emme is such a funny girl. What I can't figure out is why 'that Allen' doesn't do goofy things at our house. haha