Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two and a Half Years old!

Emme turned 2 1/2 years old yesterday. She is a funny little thing. Emme has always been kind of an old soul, most days she seems like she is 2 going on 15. Emme loves to dance (shake her booty) and sing. She loves to be dressed up pretty like a princess. She loves to wrestle with her brothers and she somehow manages to make herself slightly disheveled just moments after I have gotten her looking perfect. Her favorite   colors are "pink and purple, and pink and purple!" Emme loves her baby dolls and she almost always has one with her. She loves nursery and her teachers. She loves that they sing songs and blow bubbles every week. Emme is an amazingly upbeat and positive little girl. Her smile lights up the whole room, and her laugh is extremely infectious. Emme has brought tons and tons of happiness and sunshine into our family. We are incredibly blessed to have her.    


Lily said...

and she's my friend :)

Karen said...

It's hard to believe it's been 2 1/2 years. Emme you are such a doll yourself. You are such a pretty girl, you bring so much joy to all our lives, and have such a strong personality. Love you.

auntieerin said...

As much as I love Eli and Gideon, I am so glad that you had Emme. She is such a sweetie and she is so funny. I often forget that she is only 2 1/2 because she's already potty trained and because she is so smart. I love that she always likes to look pretty and she is always willing to let me dress her up.