Thursday, January 24, 2013


The other day Emme and I were cuddling and Emme gave me her honest opinion on my nose...

"Mom, I love your pretty eyes."
"Thanks I love your pretty eyes Emme."
"And I love your pretty lips, they are a very nice pink."
"Thank you Emme, I love your lips. They are the same as your daddy's."
"I know they are nice. Mom, I like your ears too."
"Thanks Emmers."
"Mom, I don't like your nose though. It just doesn't work. You know like with your face."
"Oh, well alright Emme."

I didn't have the heart to tell her that from the looks of it so far, she has a pretty high chance of getting my nose. I didn't want to depress her. lol Too funny.


Karen said...

That is one of the funniest things I'v ever heard. The things kids say are so sweet and so funny at the same time. I happen to like your nose Liz.

auntieerin said...

Emme is definitely never going to be afraid to be honest. If she ends up hating her nose later in life, I will take it upon myself to make her a photo album. It will highlight some of the less fortunate shnozes she could have ended up with.