Monday, July 22, 2013

Embry Elizabeth is 3!

My beautiful Embry who although looked very angry most of the time as a newborn and baby, has always been a little ray of sunshine.
Emme has always been a big sweetheart. When she hugs you, you can just feel that she is putting all of her love into it.

Emme is a joy and a blessing in our family. Her smile brightens everyday!

She definitely keeps us entertained.

Emme always has a song in her heart and a dance in her little feet. She is a great sister to both her big and little brothers. Happy Birthday Emme! We are so grateful for the little whirlwind that you are, and for the adventure that always follows you! 


Lily said...

Happy birthday, Happy you, miss you

Karen said...

I love the pictures you chose to show Emme's life. You are such a joy Emme. You are so fun to be around, even when you're sad, but especially when you're happy-which is 95% of the time. I love you my sweet girl.

auntieerin said...

I totally forgot about how Emme didn't smile as a baby! She is such a happy little girl now that you'd never guess she was ever so grumpy! I love having a niece- don't get me wrong, nephews are fun too, but I love all the frilly, sparkly, princess madness that comes with little girls! And Emme is very girly, so I am having a blast!

Emily said...

SHe is so adorable! She is growing up so beautifully!