Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Waiting for Dad to Come Home

The kids always get restless about an hour before Dustin comes home. Tonight, they jammed to their favorite song while they waited.


Karen said...

Totally cute. I love watching Gideon dancing with Emme. He's got some moves.

auntieerin said...

Okay, I am impressed that Emme knows every word to that song! I had to look up the lyrics online because it was bothering me that I couldn't understand what the guy was saying. Don't mock me Dustin- I know I've had to ask you about other songs too! You smug little poo! Anyway, Gideon is doing really well with being on his feet and keeping his balance. He and Emme were adorable dancing together.

Andrew said...

We think Gideon has some pretty sweet moves. Especially for barely bein a year old!