Thursday, May 23, 2013

Successful Completion

Today, Elijah successfully completed 4K! This school year has been filled with huge achievements and growth for Elijah. We have watched him become more independent and more social. He loves school and he loves learning. Elijah is incredibly smart and we are positive that he will do amazing in 5K!

This school year has been a huge change for me as well. The first day I dropped Elijah off at 4K I cried all the way home. In my head I knew Elijah was 4 and that he was old enough to be in 4K, but in my heart I saw this little guy. I would like to say that over the last few months I have only seen my 5 year old Elijah, but that would be a lie. I think I will always see him as my baby boy, but I am trying more and more to see him as the big kid he has become. I am so incredibly proud of Elijah and the incredible little person that he has become!


Karen said...

Congratulations Eli!!!!! You are such a big kid and Grandpa and I couldn't be more proud of you. Love you.

auntieerin said...

Congratulations Elijah! Congratulations Liz! I know you guys had some rough mornings getting ready for school, but isn't it nice to know that he doesn't share those "special" times with anyone but you? I can't believe how much Elijah has grown this year. He never ceases to amaze me with how smart and how talented he is. I always think about those incredible Transformers pictures that he drew. Truly awesome. He has a brilliant mind and with that and his OCD, I have no doubt that he will always do well in school. Next year is going to be a hard adjustment though. Probably not so much for Elijah, but I know it will be hard for you to be without him all day. Honestly Liz, I admire you for letting him go to school everyday. I don't think I could ever be a mom because I would want to have my kids in bubble suits and wearing leashes at all times. Haha, yeah that is a little funny, but I am totally serious. Elijah is smart and I don't worry about him, I worry about all of the what ifs that he could cross paths with. Geez, I have to stop thinking about it. Eli will do awesome next year, and after a couple weeks into it, you will too Liz.