Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Positive Attitude

Today Elijah was reading the November Friend and he brought it to me and told me he didn't like the Friend anymore. I asked him why, and he opened it to the story A Positive Attitude about a little girl that had a disease that affected her hips. The story has pictures that show the girl wearing several kinds of leg braces. He told me that he didn't like the pictures because they made him sad. He told me that he thought that the little girl in the story shouldn't have been made with broken legs. I read Elijah the story and we talked about it. He decided that it was okay that the girl had to wear braces, and he liked that she was still happy and able to rollerskate, despite her limitations.
I love how sensitive and perceptive Elijah has always been. As he has gotten older though, it has become harder and harder to shelter him from the world. I have been trying to adjust to Elijah going to school everyday, instead of him being home where I can control everything. The thought of anyone or anything making him sad is very hard. I want him to stay as innocent as possible for as long as possible. I do realize that I can't protect him forever and because of that, I am grateful that Elijah has a strong family, both immediate and extended. It is a relief to know that he will always be taken care of. I am also grateful that Elijah has the gospel in his life and that he will always have the guidance and the comfort that comes from that. I am grateful for the knowledge that the gospel has given me that helps me be Elijah's mom. I am especially grateful for that knowledge when Elijah asks me questions like: "where does our spirit go when we die?", "why do we bury our bodies in the ground?" and "why does Heavenly Father let people get hurt?" I can't believe he thinks about these things at 4. When I was 4 I was concerned about whether or not I could out skip Erin with our Skip-it. I guess this proves he takes after Dustin, who I think has always been a serious scholar. LOL

1 comment:

Karen said...

Eli has always been a serious little boy. I don't know if it comes with being the oldest or not, but it probably helps. Erin had the same problem with the Friend years ago. I think she was about 6. So if nothing else Elijah comes by it naturally. His concern for others is amazing at his age. Good kid, good parents.