Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eating Toes

I have been trying to encourage Gideon to sit on his own. My other two learned to sit at about this age. But Gideon is way too interested in his toes to sit.

Anytime I actually get him to sit, he squeals and then dives for his toes!
When he has had his fill of toes, he throws himself forward and makes a rolling escape.


auntieerin said...

He is so adorable! You should try having him sit while he is wearing socks on his feet. I wonder if he would still think his toes are so interesting.

Andrew said...

I still eat my toes any time Lacie tries to get me to sit up straight

Emily said...

I always love how flexible little babies are. I try to eat my toes, and it always ends in disaster.

Karen said...

What a FUNNY boy.