Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Elijah

For the past few months Dustin and I have been trying to come up with ideas for Elijah for Christmas. Since it seems like lately we have been traveling alot, I had suggested one of those portable tV/dvd players that he could watch on both car and airplane trips. We have actually almost bought him one before our last several trips, but have always ended up deciding not to. There is just a part of me that can't do it. I remember all of the fun that my sister and I had playing with and talking to each other on those LONG summer car trips. I want Elijah to have memories like that, and I want him to be able to continue to entertain himself, and not be dependant on tv. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why people have tvs for their kids, and I am so not judging them, and I know I would have totally wanted one as a kid. But, I realized that I would miss Elijah talking to me in the car, and on the airplane if he was watching movies. I recently drove down to Illinois by myself with the kids and Elijah talked to me the whole way there. I loved it! He sang along to the radio with me, and he talked to me about his amazing observations of the world. I had the sun roof open, and he was telling me what all of the clouds looked like, and how beautiful the trees were now that they were changing colors for Fall. I love hearing his thoughts and how he describes things. I LOVE that Elijah has an imagination and that he can turn anything into entertainment. So, I have officially decided that I won't buy a tv/dvd player for my kids. I am selfish, I want them to have to talk to me and to each other.


Emily said...

It's funny because we have one, but on our last car trip, Jack asked not to watch it. The boys ended up playing the entire time, and being just fine without it.

Liz said...

That is great Emily! It is nice that your boys are so close in age. I am sure that ya'll definately need a tv/dvd player in your car for those long border crossings!

Dave said...

I remember those car trips when you girls were little. Especially the one we made to all of the church historical sites in Missouri. You girls wanted to sit in the third seat of the wagon so you could dance your Barbies across the window. I also remember one of you, not saying which one, was wearing their underwear on their head and being really silly. Those road trips are also were we introduced you girls to antique shops. The stops in the little town antique shops became treasure hunting adventures. Something we still do together when we can. We did have a lot of fun on trips, and half the fun was getting there.