Emme had her 4 month doctor appointment today. She weighs 13lbs 3oz and is 25in long. She had to get two shots today and one immunization that she drank. She only cried for a second after the shots, and she was very brave. Unlike Elijah, who hid under the desk when the nurses came in with the shots! Emme also discovered that if she rolled over onto her tummy on the table she could eat the paper that covers it. She made quite a mess, and I had quite the pile of slobbery bits of paper to throw away before we left.
Oh my gosh! Look at that smile! I can't believe she's 4 months old. What a pretty girl.
What a little angel! She always looks so happy!
What a cutie! I love her smile. She's gotten so big so fast- she'll be a toddler before we know it! She is going to be TROUBLE when she figures out how to crawl! I love that outfit on her by the way. :)
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