Friday, March 5, 2010

Potty Time

Big news! Elijah went potty on the toilet this morning. Mind you it was the tiniest little pee ever, but it was the best little pee ever. Elijah and I have had some serious disagreements about the potty. I think he needs to use it to go potty in, and he thinks it is to be used to stall for time and get more books read to him. Last night I finally hit my breaking point and broke down in tears on the bathroom floor and decided that I was just a rotten mom because he hadn't used the potty yet. So yeah, very exciting news for us here in Green Bay! Today had been a very good day for Elijah and I.


Emily said...
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jasonandjodie said...

Way to go Elijah! We've introduced the potty, but I'm not ready at this poing for the stress. So way to go Liz, too!! Definitely something to celebrate!

Megan C. said...

Good job, Eli!! I hear potty training is so tough - I am not looking forward to when we get to that point with Jack - he can be very stubborn (um, still not sleeping at night!)